New Car Starter Issues

Usually, new cars do not let their owners experience starter problems. However, anything can happen with the starter, and usually, it happens unexpectedly and for…

What is a Catalytic Converter

A catalytic converter is one of the vital parts of your vehicle. Its main duty is to burn hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide to generate nitrogen.…

Car Paint Chip Repair

In case you’ve noticed a chip in your car paint, we can offer quite a few options to repair it. However, first, you need to…

When do I Change My Rotors?

You will have to judge by the noises that you hear from the vehicle. Scratching, squealing, grinding indicates that you are probably past due the new rotor or pads installation.

How does a Car Alternator Work

In modern cars, alternator turns energy into AC or a current from the electrical energy that is created by the mechanical energy it generates while…

Career Growth for Automotive Technicians

The automotive world is developing together with modern technologies, and the car industry is one of the most progressive today. Therefore, mechanics have plenty chances…

See If You Are Tire Smart

We are excited to announce a new feature at our shop – you can get a consultation plus learn more about your vehicle. For starters,…

How to Change Disc Brakes

Overall, it is not going to be extremely difficult to change disc brakes if you have tools in handy and are familiar with this part…